Rock: Wanko no Shima
Based on a true story, the film centers around a family consisting of father Matsuo (Ryota Sato), mother Takako (Kumiko Aso), grandmother Fusako (Mitsuko Baisho), and son Shin (Ryunosuke Hashino) who live together happily at the bed and breakfast they run on Miyakejima. However, in August of 2000, the residents of Miyakejima are forced to evacuate the island immediately due to a volcanic eruption and Shin must abandon his dog, Rock, whom he had grown up with since birth. Following the evacuation, the family is confronted with various problems such as getting used to living in an unfamiliar city. But through it all, Shin refuses to give up hope of being reunited with Rock someday. Toho will be releasing Rock: Wanko no Shima in Japan on July 23, 2011. Plot by nipponcinema br, br,