Big Robberies Alarm Authorities (1958)
Full title reads: Big Robberies Alarm Authorities. Intertitle reads: Spate of Currency Thefts demands new AntiCrime Measures. LV Two men with money bags strapped to their wrists, leaving Midland Bank at Spitalfields, London one of them hails a taxi. CU Bag strapped to man s wrist. GV Elevated, taxi drawing in beside the two men. LV One of the men giving instructions to the driver, they get into the taxi and we pan into BV. as it leaves. LV Pan, taxi driving into yard of disused factory. GV Elevated, taxi coming through open gates and into yard. SV Gates of yard closing. CU Newspaper reading Masked Gang grab Â8, 000 mail bags. CU Newspaper headline Mail Gang in Â10, 000 London Raid. CU Ditto. London Bandits grab Â13, 000. CU Ditto. Â20, 000 Raid on London Bank. GV Midland Bank in Stoke Newington High Street. SV Doors of builders yard at the back which the thieves took the safecutting apparatus through. SV Window with new bars up which the thieves cut through to enter the bank. Angl