The End of Pokemon ( A Bootleg Universe Fan Trailer)
An exclusive Pokemon anime parody presented by Adi Shankar (Netflix s Castlevania, Dredd). The death of Ash Ketchum s longtime companion, Pikachu, sparks a revolution that could be the end of Pokemon training and fighting as we know it. Subscribe to Octopie for more animation Presented by Adi Shankar s Bootleg Universe Directed by Luis Pelayo Junquera and Enol Junquera Animation By Angry Metal Studios Executive Producers: Adi Shankar Jeremy Azevedo Vikram Salgaocar Producers: Damien Haas Alex Greenfield Ben Powell Starring: Brock Baker Erika Ishii Britanni Johnson Lyle Burruss Kenlon Clark Animators: Juanma Laguna Laura Rabanal Spundman Borja Sauras Bruno Suarez Luis Pelayo Junquera Enol Junquera Sound Design: Marcos Cabal Boat Theme Composed By: Bruno Suarez Marcos Alvarez Additional Work By: Rebeca Alonso Sergio Abalo Irene Mateos