Get Ready for the MOST RELAXING Back Massage of Your Life
, asmr, asmrbackmassage, SoftTissuemassage Beautiful Soft Deep Tissue Massage to Melt Her Muscles. This is my signature back massage which clients often tell me that was the best back massage they have ever had. I sometimes wonder if they are just being polite However this is how i work combing massage, deep tissue technique, stretching and pressure point work to help balance energy and release tight muscles. If you want to learn these techniques you can for for a limited time sign up totally Free Sign up today This was filmed with my friend Jodie always a pleasure to have her on my channel :) around the 49 minute mark this massage repeats but with relaxing music via indiemusicbox The purpose of this video and channel is to help you Relax, Heal and Sleep through the power of ASMR and human touch. .. You can help support the channel and video by 1. Watching the advert at the start 2. Sh