Rezo Loveolution, Peru Mariana Root y Nacho Rodriguez
First time Rezo is played alive, at festival Loveolution, in magic place in Yucay, the Sacred Valley of Cusco, Peru, in 22nd December 2016. Rezo means Pray. From the first Mariana Root s album SOLay with Nacho Rodriguez in the hang drum. To listen the album Nacho Rodriguez REZO means PRAY Translation: I pray with Mama Coca Father Tobacco To the Cosmos, to the Universe Who guides me, who heals me To the deep waters Mama Cocha (Water, Lake, Sea), Yemanjá (Goddess of the Sea) Wash my wounds That guides me, that heals me Queen of the forest Plant Spirit Tell Your Wisdom Who guides me, who heals me I pray to Taita Inti (Father Sun) And I pray to Mama Killa (Mother Moon) Ayllumasikunapa Who guides me, who heals me Together with my two hands Giving thanks for being alive Surrounded by family Who guides me, who heals me I pray to the four winds And to the grandmothers the stones Vital fire that transforms Who guides me, who heals me Rain we receive