Usborne The Twinkly, Twinkly Christmas Tree Usborne Books More
Usborne The Twinkly, Twinkly Christmas Tree Get Your Copy Here: This beautifully illustrated board book has lots of electric lights inside it for little children to discover. Mouse has no Christmas lights, so she sets out with her friend, Mole, to find some in the snowy forest. As the story unfolds and more friends join the adventure, there are more and more lights until Mouse finds a stunning Christmas tree at the end. Please note: the lights in the book are LED lights which operate based on a sensor located on each page. The sensor may appear to be a light that does not work, but it is not. Additionally, the lights do not have a twinkling effect they do shine beautifully on each page. There also cannot be an obstruction of light over the sensor location. Open the book fully in a welllit area. Series: Twinkly Books Tiny diecuts show off more lights on every spread with a beautiful lighted illust