Lyktum The Bass Creator 2. 0
Subscribe: Lyktum The Bass Creator 2. 0, released on 20220128, IONO Music, INM1DIGI648 Out next on Iono Music we have the release The Bass Creator 2. 0 by Lyktum. This track is a pure time traveler spaceship, designed to take you on a 10 years journey prior to The Bass Creator 1. 0, also being the very first release of Lyktum project. This time he brings back more chunky and laserlike techniques into his bassline horizons, powerful and unique to say the least. This revolutionized 2. 0 version is followed by many mystical psychedelic sounds, continued melodies of its past, dark orchestra that is complimenting this theme and atmospheres that will increase your mood and set you running towards the dancefloor. Follow us in this energizing and pulsating rhythms of this amazing collaboration Get it: More IonoMusic: