THIS IS ONE CHAPTER of an available DVD on the Milwaukee Road power. visit See the Milwaukee Roads electrification on the old Pacific Extension. Remember the Quills, Bipolars, GE Boxcabs and GE Joes. Additional coverage includes the Milwaukee Roads diesels and a nice review of Milwaukee Roads steam powered trains. This is Milwaukee Roads passenger and freight operations in its finest years. We also bring a good section on snow fighting, MOW equipment and practices as well as the frequent wrecks that kept the MOW people far too busy in the unfortunate years of decline. But overall, the Milwaukee Roads employees always came through in the best tradition of tough and dedicated mountain railroaders. Dont miss the comparative electrics on the Great Northern and the BA P add to the history and scenic views. The copper ore trains that the BA P actually preceded the Milwaukees own electrification. The original electrified BA P paved the way for Milwauke