SOTT Earth Changes Summary January 2023: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs
The start of 2023 has been marked by heavy snow, unseasonably cold temperatures, and wetterthanexpected weather for the season. All this while the manufactured food and energy crisis continues to deepen in the West, thanks to the deluded globalist psychopaths. Extreme weather hit California pretty hard this month: A bomb cyclone, severe flooding, mudslides, power outages, walls of snow in Soda Spring, and a magnitude 4. 2 earthquake with an epicenter in offshore Malibu. Denver, Colorado, saw 13 inches of snow this month, making it the 15th snowiest January on record. Jackson County registered 5C, and the Purgatory ski resort recorded 23 inches of snow in 24 hours. Northern Arizona got more than two feet of snow in 48 hours. It was the 25th largest snow event and broke the singleday snowfall record on Sunday. Nevada was hit by winter storms that brought heavy rain, high winds, and significant snowfall at higher elevations. Las Vegas desert was also covered in white, a strange si