Danemons Monster Hunt at Shojoji Japanese Animation 1935 Anime Cartoon
A slapstick tale of a real life figure who transmuted into legend: Ban Naoyuki (1567 1615), a Japanese samurai general. Here, depicted as a lovable, blustering strongman (who uses pincenez ), he does battle with a house of tanuki, the funloving, shapeshifting raccoon dogs, led by the oneeyed Date Masamune (1567 1636) another historic warrior. Both these truelife personalities continue to figure in Japanese popular media. Here we see the comic, Fleischerinspired side of Japanese animation, with a hero resembling Bluto, and modern props incongruously figuring in a historic milieu. But still, an atmosphere of comic suspense is maintained. Drawings: Yoshitaro Kataoka, who made some of the earliest efforts in color productions, was also a creator of manga.