Locomotive PIMK Rail Intermodal Freight train ( NS PA), Donji Titek Titel, 01. 05. 2023
0:00 Start Titel Prolećni dan , Spring day Cveće, Flowers Ptica slavuj, Bird nightingale Maketa parne lokomotive, Steam locomotive model Lokomotiva, Locomotive PIMK Rail 1:20 Kraj voza, End of the train 1:30 Maketa parne lokomotive, Steam locomotive model Lokomotiva PIMK Rail 92 78 2 044 0059 SKINE Mala Karavela (EMD GT22HW2) , Locomotive PIMK Rail 92 78 2 044 0059 SKINE Mala Karavela (EMD GT22HW2) Prolaz teretnog voza stajalište Donji Titel, Freight train passage to Donji Titel station Titel, 01. 05. 2023. , titel, pimk, pimkrail, voz, train, trainspotter, trainspotting, railpassion, railphotography, 82