How to Make a Paloma Cocktail Recipe with Fresh Grapefruit, The Frugal Chef
Last day of cocktail week and we will make a very popular and refreshing Mexican drink with grapefruit juice and tequila Paloma cocktail. It is easy to see why this drink is so popular. It is incredibly tasty Paloma cocktail is made with grapefruit soda (Squirt or any other brand) as well. In this recipe we will use freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and carbonated water instead. You will love this Please enjoy it responsibly. Day, 1 Piña Coladas Day, 2 Caipirinha Day, 3 Frozen Strawberry Margarita Day, 4 Pisco Sour Day, 5 Paloma Purchase my cookbook here VEA ESTE VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL SUBSCRIBE HERE Share, like and comment. Follow me : Twitter Facebook :