Comptons Football AKA London Rivals Clash In Semi Final (1950)
This is a duplicate copy of item check for best quality. Full title reads: Soccer. London Rivals Clash In SemiFinal White Hart Lane, Tottenham, London. Chelsea and Arsenal draw 22 in SemiFinal of football s FA Cup. LV Chelsea kick off. Arsenal start attack. SV Goring challenges goalkeeper but John Harris clears. MV Top shot Reg Williams in tussle with A Forbes. LV Ball goes to Bentley then out to Len Goulden. SV Goulden centres but Swinden saves Billy Gray s shot. Top shot Pete Goring loses ball. Hughes clears. SV Roy Bentley scores pan to W Barnes picking ball out of net. MV Crowd cheering. Top shot Cox centres but Hughes clears. MV Bentley scores Chelsea s second goal pan to players congratulating. GV Crowd cheering. MV Cox centres. Chelsea defenders head to Compton. General melee in Chelsea goal mouth. MV Ball goes for corner. CU fans waving. MV Freddie Cox takes corner, drops into goal pan to players congratulating. Half Time. LV Arsenal attacking. MV Jimmy Logie in tussle w