Convoy with SCS Developer Dareus LIVE Stream, Euro Truck Simulator 2 Official Multiplayer
Trucking with SCS Developer: Dareus We are playing Official Multiplayer: Convoy with HIM in ETS2 1. 41. Dareus is a Community Manager at SCS Software. 0:00 Starting 9:15 Preparation 12:52 Convoy 33:48 The End Support the channel for more quality content by becoming a: Patron: (from as low as 1 a month) Member: Shoutout, Early Video Access, Private Community, Access to my YouTube Analytics, and many more perks for my Patrons and Members Huge Thanks To My Patrons and Members: 5 Minutes Simulators Iain Stevens MexiBrittTesla NuclearCockatiels ArcadeX TheSkiller WanteDx OkieNotFromMuskogee Tom