Smoke Some Bugs, Regular Show, Cartoon Network
Some scary creatures welcome Mordecai and Rigby to the deserted planet. CN GAMES: SUBSCRIBE: WATCH MORE: About Regular Show: Best friends, Mordecai (a sixfoottall blue jay) and Rigby (a hyperactive raccoon), are groundskeepers at a park. The job is so deadly dull that the two friends will do anything they can to avoid it, often resulting in inane escapades. Visit Regular Show Website: Follow Regular Show on Facebook: About Cartoon Network: Welcome to the Cartoon Network YouTube Channel, the destination for all of your favorite cartoons and videos. Watch clips from shows like Teen Titans Go , Steven Universe, Clarence, Adventure Time, Uncle Grandpa, The Amazing World of Gumball and more Connect with Cartoon Network Online: Visit Cartoon Network WEBSITE: Like Cartoon Network on FACEBOOK: Follow Cartoon Network on TWITTER: Follow Cartoon network on TUMBLR: Regular Show, Smoke Some Bugs, Cartoon Network