How fascinating we human beings are , Elena Savu about the Creative Society, Allatraunites
We are delighted to introduce our esteemed guest Elena Savu Cofounder Pianopiano Movement. In this interview, we are going to talk about how you can make a difference in the world Elena will share with us her vision of the Creative Society, conditions where each person can reveal their human potential and abilities. And of course, the 8 foundations which are the pillars of the Creative Society will be discussed. The Creative Society project is a worldwide initiative of people aimed towards building the world we all want and deserve to live in Initiated by people themselves, the Creative Society project has been launched on the platform of ALLATRA International Public Movement for the whole Humanity. As all people want to live happily and feel secure, Creative Society is our chance to implement this in reality. More information on the website: CREATIVE SOCIETY. What the Prophets Dreamed of. March 20, 2021