Baby Show (1956)
Battersea Festival Gardens, London. L, S of the all female audience all women in the first row have babes in their laps. C, U shot of the two babies held by their mothers (presumably). One is hitting the other with a shoe, the other starts crying. C, U shot of the little girl who was crying previously, now calmly biting an orange. Several great C, U shots of the babies they make wonderfully funny faces. This is a beauty competition for babies a baby show There are ten judges, who do not judge just pretty faces but, as all ten of them are retired matrons of the hospitals, healthy teeth (or gums) and other characteristics of healthy babies the voiceover informs the audience. M, S of a little platform where some of the judges are seated in front of a table. Mothers bring their children and place them at the table for examination. Judges then look at them and touch them all over. Looks quite terrible, rather like a dog show. M, S of a little boy trying to steal a silver cup, but a woman in a nurse