The true story of Frank Sidebottom: Chris Sievey, Freshies
Frank Sidebottom was the superstar character created by Manchester musician and writer Chris Seavey. Chris had previously been in a band called The Freshies and had a hit with I m In Love With The Girl On The Manchester Virgin Megastore Checkout Desk. Frank lived with his Mum (Mrs Sidebottom) in Timperley and had some famous people working with him, including future Radio DJs Mark Radcliffe and Chris Evans and Mrs Merton (aka Caroline Aherne). This is the untold story of Frank s early days in a London pub called The Cricketers. Can you help me make more videos Even a pound or two would help me pay for the equipment and software I need: Oneoff cup of coffee via PayPal: Monthly Patreon subscription: My equipment: Camera: Sony R AKAFGP1 Ultra HD 4K Action Cam USA: UK: Office br, br,