143 vs 14 Bacon Eggs: Pro Chef Home Cook Swap Ingredients, Epicurious
Professional chef Chris Cheung, owner of East Wind Snack Shop and home cook Emily are swapping ingredients and hitting the kitchen to rustle up some eggs and bacon for breakfast. We set Emily up with 143 worth of supplies everything shed need to make Chris decadent wok scrambled eggs with caviar and bacon. Meanwhile, a modest 14 worth of ingredients was sent back the other way for chef Chris to elevate into something gourmet. As is customary, food scientist Rose dialed in to assist our dear Emily with a few questions he had along the way. Which egg and bacon bonanza are you most interested in Follow Chef Chris on Instagram at chefchrischeung and eastwindsnackshop Keep up with Emily on her YouTube channel at and on Instagram at emilyslamduncan Rose is on Instagram at rosemarytroutfoodscience Still havent subscribed to Epicurious on YouTube ABOUT EPICURIOUS Browse thousands of recipes and videos from Bon Appétit, Gourmet, and