Police Officer Find My Lollipop Song, Kids Songs And Nursery Rhymes, dominoki
Police Officer Find My Lollipop Song Subscribe to our channel. Lyrics: Lollipop lolli lolli pop Ill never drop my lollipop Police Policeman Policeman Always comes to rescue Policeman Policeman Is ready to help you Policeman Policeman Can solve many problems Thank You Policeman Policeman Yes, Im the man , nurseryrhymes, kidssongs, Police, policeofficer, policeofficersong, superpolice, superpoliceofficersong, singalong, dominoki, babysongs, lollipop, lollipopsong About us: Dominoki is a kids music channel. Our characters Mimi, Dodo, Nono, and Kiki help preschoolers learn numbers, letters, colors, animal sounds, dance moves, and much more. More importantly, our songs educate children about such values as kindness, gratitude, and friendship. And we are doing our best to ensure that your little ones will have a lot of fun while watching our videos. Welcome to the Dominoki family Let s be friends : Facebook Instagram TikTok