Engels: Whipping Boy of the New Left
It has been contended that Engels developed a positivist and vulgar interpretation of historical materialism that resulted in the degeneration of Soviet Marxism. The first Thesis on Feuerbach is often quoted as an example of the divergence between Marx and Engels. In this lecture, Dr. Taimur Rahman shows that there is no divergence in the philosophical views of Marx and Engels. The Thesis on Feuerbach is often misunderstood in a way that is inaccurate and untenable. For more details on the First Thesis on Feuerbach please read: Diamond, S., and D. J. Struik. Marx s First Thesis on Feuerbach. Science Society, vol. 1, no. 4, 1937, pp. 539550. JSTOR, Accessed 11 Dec. 2020. Subscribe to the Channel for More Content: Discover Lectures on Globalization: