Jerry The Troublesome Tyke Shown Up (1925)
A production. Animation featuring Jerry the Troublesome Tyke a cartoon dog. Jerry stands in front of a large mirror combing his hair, ears. M, S of Sid Griffiths sitting at the drawing board. He points a finger at the drawing on an easel in front of him. What s all the fuss about he asks. Jerry says: I ve entered myself for the dog show Sid sits back in his chair. Jerry flexes his ears backwards and forwards. He makes his ears all pointed. What price me as an Alsatian Sid shakes his head. He puts a brush on his head and says: Think I ll do as one of these Sid shakes his head. Well give me a few spots and I ll go as a Dalmatian shouts Jerry. Sid draws spots all over Jerry s body. Jerry looks in the mirror and announces: Makes me look like a plum pudding Jerry shakes his body and all the spots fly off. Sid looks shocked they have landed on him. Sid dabs his face with a handkerchief. I ll go as myself, and try for the beauty prize He strikes a pose in front of