Czech festival of British films held in Prague (1946)
GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The British Film Festival takes place in Prague in the Czech Republic (former Czechoslovakia), and a film set is visited Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: British Film Festival in Czechoslovakia CZECH REPUBLIC (former Czechoslovakia): Prague: EXT, INT Benes, Dr and Wife, Present at Alpha Cinema, Prague for Czech Festival of British Films. CZECHOSLOVAKIA Czech festival of British Films opens in Prague. Shots of Dr. Benes and Ellen Wilkinson. FILM Film Festival in Prague of British Films. Present were Ellen Wilkinson and Dr. Benes PRAGUE Shots of Alpha Cinema where Czech Festival of British Films was held. Shots of streets etc, WILKINSON, Miss Ellen Represented Britain in Czech Festival of British Films. Dr Benes present, makes opening speech Media movie, movies, actor, actress, actors, actresses, festivals Background