FRANCE: Inter allied conference in Paris (1917)
GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Allied politicians and military personnel arrive in Paris for a conference meeting. Full Description: FRANCE: Paris: SV car draws up. MV dignitaries out of doorway. SV car draws up officers out of car, car drives off. MV 2 dignitaries standing by door. MV dignitary. SV dignitaries out of door. MV 2 French gendarmes. MV dignitaries out of doorway. SV Army officers out of door. MV officers. MV dignitaries standing by doorway. M. Georges Leygues (1st Lord of the Admiralty Lloyd George Rt. Hon. David; Mr. Balfour; Cadorna, Gen. ; M. Clemenceau; Foch, Gen. ; Colonel House; Admiral D Jellicoe: Gen Robertson, Sir Wm: INorthcliffe; Gen. Pershing; M. Venizelos World War I; First World War Background: Allied politicians and military personnel arrive in Paris for a conference meeting. FILM ID: VLVA1NIAO7TOTKC6FBEC4SDF83DEF To license this