Attract a High Class Woman
Napoleon Hill also gave a hint about such women in his sexual transmutation chapter in Think Grow Rich. Basically. A lot of men reach to the top because of their decent and nurturing wives, helping them in life by doing their role perfectly as women. That is, provide good food, comfort, and soulful sex. Such high class women are hard to find because we are too lost in the pursuit of the wrong one s who aren t wife material but men are always trying to conform them into wifey role. which never ends well. So begin your pursuit for a High class woman rather than trying to change a woman who is not. Recommended Books (Affiliate Links): Think Grow Rick (By Napoleon Hill): The Law the Promise (By Neville Goddard): The Strangest Secret (By Earl Nightingale): Ask and It Is Given (By Abraham Hicks, Ester Hicks Jerry Hicks): As a Man Thinketh (By James Allen): https: