CS ALIVE by Mi Xe P ( Aries Films) HD
For soundtracks and HD streaming visit: I am not really sure how the community will respond to this film without being provided the background. Intended to be the final film by MIX(eP) it is hard not to notice just how far outside the box he steps. Following closely in the footsteps of Single Gaming 3 the hybrid film features both motion picture cinematics and traditional frag video content. What most people may not realize is that the actors featured are the producer and his newly wed wife. The storyline is alike nothing produced prior, and highlights just what a man who has been beaten down will do for love. The cinematic editing was well produced, and the implementation of several modeled in game scenes tie the film together perfectly. If I had one complaint it would be the length of the film. I was left wanting more and feel as though the film was unnecessarily rushed towards the end. Overall MIX(eP) continues to raise the bar, a well