Sonic Youth Confusion Is Sex Kill Yr. Idols ( Full Album)
Confusion Is Sex is the debut studio album by Sonic Youth. It was released on 12 vinyl in February 1983, through record label Neutral. Track listing: 0:00 (She s In A) Bad Mood 5:36 Protect Me You 11:05 Freezer Burn, I Wanna Be Your Dog 14:44 Shaking Hell 18:51 Inhuman 22:54 The World Looks Red 25:37 Confusion Is Next 29:05 Making the Nature Scene 32:07 Lee Is Free 35:44 Kill Yr. Idols 38:36 Brother James 41:54 Early American 48:01 Shaking Hell (Live) This album was produced by Sonic Youth, Wharton Tiers, and John Erskine. All rights belong to Sonic Youth and their Record label, Neutral. This album features a guitar sound often reminiscent of clocks and bells. This is created by using prepared guitars with screwdrivers stuck between the fretboard and the strings. Notable songs where Ranaldo and Moore used this 3rd bridge technique are Protect Me You, The World Looks Red and Lee Is Free. The band also used this technique on their debut EP. Enjoy