Tommy Farr Knocked Out (1951)
Porth, Wales. GV. Start of boxing fight. between Tommy Farr and Frank Bell. Both boxers land with lefts. SV. Farr throws a left swing which misses. MV. Farr lands with two left hooks to body and head. Bell looks across to referee. They clinch in centre of ring. SV. Crowd. SV. Time keepers and officials. SV. Start of second round. MV. Both boxers swap punches in centre. SV. Farr leaps across ring and lands with left and right. They clinch. SV. Boxers disengaging from clinch. MV. Farr carries the fight to Bell with lefts. Bell hangs on and punches Farr about the body. SCU. Second shouting. MV. Farr goes down and immediately gets up, stagger against ropes. Bell dashes in and punishes Farr who is helpless against ropes. SV. Bell throwing in solid rights to Farr s body and head though he misses with wild right swing. MV. Bell lands knockout right to Farr s jaw. Farr falls down, tries to rise, is counted out. SV. People in crowd looking amazed. SCU. Bell, the winner. (Orig. Neg. ) FILM A VIDEO