Beat Saber VS Friday Night Funkin ( MOD Showcase: FNF Week 1 7)
Beep bo bop A Friday Night Funkin Mod for BEAT SABER Thanks to Bobbie and beat saber mappers for making this amazing mod pack. This video is playing all 22 songs of FNF in Beat Saber on expert+ difficulty. 00:00 Tutorial 01:06 Bopeebo (Week 1) 02:26 Fresh (Week 1) 03:50 Dad Battle (Week 1) 05:19 Spookeez (Week 2) 06:58 South (Week 2) 08:29 Monster (Week 2) 11:29 Pico (Week 3) 12:55 Philly Nice (Week 3) 14:34 Blammed (Week 3) 16:23 Satin Panties (Week 4) 17:57 High (Week 4) 19:44 (Week 4) 21:50 Cocoa (Week 5) 23:46 Eggnog (Week 5) 25:21 Winter Horrorland (Week 5) 27:40 Senpai (Week 6) 29:21 Roses (Week 6) 30:52 Thorns (Week 6) 32:38 Ugh (Week 7) 34:07 Guns (Week 7) 36:28 Stress (Week 7) Discord: for chat, makeUmove emotes, videos, stream notification, etc Instagram: Twitter: twitte