Julia Donaldson performs The What the Ladybird Heard Song
Once upon a farm lived a ladybird Who hardly ever spoke a word, But the ladybird saw and the ladybird heard, And heres what the animals said: The cow said Moo and the hen said Cluck Hiss said the goose. Quack said the duck. Neigh said the horse. Oink said the hog. Baa said the sheep, and Woof said the dog, And the old cat miaowed while the young cat purred, But the ladybird said never a word. When the little ladybird found out how Two thieves were planning to steal the cow, Then everyone kicked up a terrible row, And heres what the animals said: The cow said Moo and the hen said Cluck Hiss said the goose. Quack said the duck. Neigh said the horse. Oink said the hog. Baa said the sheep, and Woof said the dog, And then both the cats began to miaow We cant let the thieves steal the fine prize cow. But the ladybird had a good idea Which she whispered in to every ear. They waited till night for the thieves to ap