The Fool On The Hill , The Beatles Cover
Hi everybody For your listening and viewing enjoyment, I give you my recreation of the Beatles song The Fool On The Hill from the album Magical Mystery Tour. Im so happy to have finally put this video together. Some of the audio and video was recorded over 10 years ago Interesting to note that there is no bass in this song. That role is taken by the piano and the bass harmonica. In addition to the main piano heard throughout the song, there is a celeste played during the choruses, as well as a brighter sounding upright piano heard right after the first recorder solo (on the original, its most likely the Mrs. Mills Steinway Vertegrand). During the choruses, you can hear what I believe might be a set of finger cymbals on the original song. I dont own a pair of finger cymbals, and those that Ive tried out all sounded too heavy. I opted instead to hit a single pair of jingles on a tambourine, using a small hex key to strike them. This sounded closer to what is on t