Deploying Azure Data Factory With CI, CD Using Azure Pipeline
This video will focus on how to use Azure Data Factory CI, CD Pipelines and promote ETL Pipelines from Dev environment to UAT then production. How to create an Azure DevOps pipeline to deploy Azure Data Factory pipelines, link services, triggers, datasets, etc to several Azure Data Factories. Learn a complete tutorial for creating Azure Data Factory CI, CD pipelines with Git enabled that use different branches for developing new features for ETL pipelines and other Azure Data Factory components. This will cover, creating three Azure Data Factories, two Azure Storage accounts, Azure Release pipeline with Azure Artifacts based on Git repo and deploying Azure Data Factory ARM templates files to another environment. It will show how to develop all the Azure Data Factory components in the feat. .., MRadwanMSF, AzureDataFactory, ARMtemplates, CI, CD, AzureDevOps, ETL, Git, MultiStage, AzurePipelines, Azure 20200629 cLf3nAiGG3Q