10 Minute Core Focused Yoga Workout With Christa Janine, POPSUGAR FITNESS
Get ready to work out with certified yoga instructor Christa Janine, 500 ERYT, who will be leading this 10minute yoga routine that puts the focus on the core muscles. Joined by class members Bianca Caceres and Phillip Anderson, you ll start with a quick warmup that will wake up your body and prepare your abs for the challenge ahead. You ll make your way through moves like plank holds, arm reaches, bear holds, and so much more You ll also feel the burn in your lower back throughout this quick and effective yoga flow. This routine can be done anywhere all you need is a mat to get started Janine s outfit: Lululemon Caceres s outfit: Alo Anderson s outfit: Alo Find more from our trainers: Janine: Caceres: Anderson: POPSUGAR Fitness offers fresh fitness tutorials and exercises find strengthening, heartpumping, empowe