free for profit izaya tiji + interlude + ambient type beat fantasy
Purchase, Download Beat: B minor, 120 BPM You can use the beat without lease and keep 100 profit on YouTube and SoundCloud only but please credit me in the title (prod. niji) If you want to release your song with this beat on streaming platforms (spotify, apple music, youtube, you have to purchase a lease. Don t put copyright on your song unless you purchased exclusive rights, otherwise it will be hit with legal action. free for profit izaya tiji + interlude + ambient type beat fantasy free for profit izaya tiji + interlude + ambient type beat fantasy free for profit izaya tiji + interlude + ambient type beat fantasy Contacts: Instagram: Email: Coprod: 6astard15 southdrug13 , izayatijitypebeat, wifitypebeat, ambienttypebeat Ignore izaya tiji type beat, free izaya tiji type beat, izaya tiji type beat free for profit, izaya tiji