Ghosts Try Hitting Me While Terrorizing My House I Fear For My Life PARANORMAL CAUGHT ON CAMERA
An exorcist wont come back because of this Based on what has been caught on camera it seems something powerful followed me to my new house and many believe my house is extremely haunted based on what has been witnessed in the security footage. If I were to see these clips I would think this is the most haunted house ever Ghosts have almost knocked me to the floor with a shovel in my own house if I were to stay in the garage and it looks as thought they have been haunting my house for years. I had taken possession of what is believed to be haunted box after burying it in Florida near my best friend Omar GoshTV s house. Since then the it appears as if ghosts have been throwing sharp things and moving large and heavy things around my house and it seems quite evident based on the series of events that this problem has followed me to my new house in South Georgia. This time the ghosts move furniture around and other things get move around which could have gone wrong if I was not at home while it happ