Dora plays with the Darkhold
Dora plays with the Darkhold GO CHECK OUT WANDA S CHANNEL : CREEPY EVIL DORA SEASON 2 EPISODE 8 Dora realizes she s run out of fun games to play with Swiper so she permanently borrows Scarlet Witches coloring book P. S. Also its October 1st so now it s officially Halloween so HAPPY HALLOWEEN TECHNICALLY I start celebrating on September 1st so it s already been officially Halloween in my head BUTTTTT now it s like officially officially Halloween so everyone who hadn t already has to join too now Proooooooooooooobably going to be taking a liiiiiiiitle break from Dora vids for a bit just becauuuuuuse Joshua is a little exhausted and wants to make some other types of vids hahaha especially since it s spooky season and I m obsessed with spooky season BUTTTTT I already have the last 5 episodes of Season 2 planned out so when we start back up in November probably t