Jun 2019. Parents sending Money to an ISIS Fighter
June 2019. The parents of a, British, Isis member known as , Jihadi Jack have been spared jail after being found guilty of sending him money in, Syria. ,JohnLetts and, SallyLane denied funding terrorism but were convicted at the, OldBailey, as their son remains in, Kurdish custody. They were handed a 15month prison term suspended for a year due to the special circumstances of the case, meaning they will not be jailed unless they commit further offences in that time. Judge Nicholas Hilliard QC said: It was one thing for parents to be optimistic about their children and I do acknowledge he is your son who you love very much. But in this context you did lose sight of realities. The warning signs were there for you to see. A Tough One for Any Parent, but he made his Choices, Lock Him Up Wherever, and Throw Away the Key.