Vesla Puškajović : Slavic genocide World War II :seconde guerre mondial genocide slave
translated text in English: 25 million in the USSR, there is not all Slavs, add the rest at school, on TV, in their films, they talk all the time of Jews, we, never, we wonder why it seems say that there is only them who suffered, but it is not they who have lost most of their brothers Europe was not, saved by the USA, but by the Slavic and the ussr all alone, we are defended the germain, is come, saw, and lost Holocaust if. .. .. the Shoah everywhere. . why, they talking, more to them than to us this is not a suffering from competition, I find it odd, I say what I think. on Slavs in their history more than one nonwords, or a lie, but the truth sooner or later appears glories for we , not the other, as history proves, glorious are ours for us to kill Hitler had planned a plan, has we, attack, these permits, he finish, loser nobody talks about the plan of Hitler, he wanted us to slave, br, br,