English Pronunciation , The Letter P, Glottal P and PH Sounds
In this English Pronunciation lesson I will teach you how to pronounce the letter P perfectly and also what sound the letters PH, PT and PS normally make when spoken in English. We will also learn a little about the Glottal P in English. Finally we will also practice the letter P with some really fun Practice Sentences which will help you to speak English quickly, fluently and easily After that we will learn about the SILENT P in English, in advanced words like Pterodactyl or Psychology. At the end we will look at some SUPER FUN P Tongue Twisters and do a short English TEST The Letter P is a plosive sound and is unvoiced which means the sound is made by pushing air out of the mouth. This lesson has CHAPTERS so you can SKIP to the part you need to learn most. Glottal P is made when we close the glottis (back of the throat) to stop a sound being made (in this case a P). Many language