Dimmu Borgir World misanthropy
1. Blessings Upon The Throne Of Tyranny (Including Studio And Rehearsalroom Homematerial) 2. The Blazing Monoliths Of Defiance (Including Interview With Silenoz And Metal Odyssey Backstagematerial) 3. IndoctriNation (Including Interview With Shagrath And US Tour Backstagematerial) 4. The Insight And The Catharsis (Including Interview With Vortex And Metal Massacre Tour Backstagematerial) 5. Puritania (Including Mind Over Matter Backstagematerial) 6. Tormentor Of Christian Souls (Including Interview With Nicholas And Japan Home Backstagematerial) 7. Kings Of The Carnival Creation (Including Interview With Mustis) 8. The Maelstrom Mephisto (Including Interview With Galder And Southamerican Behind The Scenes Footage) Live In Poland 1998 9. Stormblåst Sorgsvarte Ferd Over Steppene Festivals, Live 1999 Clips Lys Er Svunnet Hen (By The Devil) Lifeforce Mysteria