Part 1 Rachel Mc Inerney USA Visual Artist, Vocalist, DJ
Part 1 Please welcome to the podcast the very talented visual artist, producer and DJ, Rachel McInerney. Born in New Jersey USA, she graduated from Art School in Pennsylvania. She moved to Shanghai in 2018 and went on to collaborate with pop punk band Fliphouse, doing vocals on the second studio album and touring China in 2021. Rachel formed shoegaze and techno band Snuff Disco and have 2 members of Fliphouse. She also does a DJ set under the name Gargoyle Girlfriend. The track you heard at the start of the podcast was Take Back by Snuff Disco. gargoylegirlfriend tellcraigyourstory , rachel, tellcraigyourstory, rachelmcinerney, gargoylegirlfriend, fliphouse, DJ, snuffdisco, shanghaichina, newjerseyusa, pennsylvaniausa, visualarts, longdistancerelationship, vocalist, singer, shoegaze, shanghailockdown