Morbid Angel God of Emptiness ( Guitar and Vocal Cover)
No, its not my favorite Morbid Angel song, but it easily belongs to my Morbid Angels top 10 :))))) And I am trying to show (my first atempt) some small tricks I can do other than growling and trying to become a versatile singer:)))))) Hopefully, you like it:)) Signal Chain: , guitar(la Paulina), maxon (, ST9ProPlus Super Zube), ISPDecimator, mesaboogie (, dualrectifier9, marshallcab (, celestionvintage30s), SM57, RME (Interface) Vocal: , shure (, sm7b), varituberecordingchannel (, tegeleraudio), RME (interface) Tracks treated with, slatedigital Camera, panasonic, lumix, GH5 , deathmetal, olschooldeathmetal, osdm, morbidangel, covenant, growling, godofemptiness, berlinmetal, metalberlin Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: