7. Obtaining a signed certificate using Lets Encrypt
In this video we obtain a CA signed certificate from Let s Encrypt for Dovecot and PostFix to secure our Raspberry Pi s email server traffic. We also modify our CloudFlare DNS settings to create an A record for the mail subdomain we ll be using, and we point Dovecot and PostFix towards our new certificate and key. Finally, I should mention that I said this would be the last configuration video for PostFix and Dovecot, that is 99 true, but not quite, sorry There are just a few more (boiler plate) lines to modify in the PostFix master configuration file which we ll look at in the next video, when we ll also check that something called STARTTLS is available to us. Video 16 of the Hosting of a WordPress website video series, which explains how and why I use CloudFlare for DNS settings is available here: 16. Configuring Cloudflare to point y. ..