Pronunciation: The twinning of, t
Tim s back in his pronunciation workshop. He s looking at what happens when one word ends with a vowel followed by, t, and the next word starts with a, t, sound and his favourite twin brother is here to help For more, visit our website: TRANSCRIPT Tim Hi. I m Tim and this is my Pronunciation workshop. Here I m going to show you how English is really spoken. Come on, let s go inside. This week, Im going to need some help from my favourite twin. Please welcome back Tom, whos going to help me present. Hi Tom Tom Hi Tim Now, are you a lover Tim Or a fighter Do you prefer to dance Tom Or would you rather have an argument Tim Theres an expression in English that contains the name of a dance Tom and means when two people get involved in a fight or argument, then in most cases both have to take some of the responsibility. Do you know the expression Tim Well, lets ask the people of London. Voxpops It takes