World s Greatest DEEP TISSUE Thai Foot Massage Reflexology
This is the World s Greatest Deep Tissue Thai Foot Massage Reflexology. A Deep Tissue Thai Foot Massage Reflexology is usually given with the assistance of a stick (acupressure stick), but this particular Deep Tissue Thai Foot Massage Reflexology was given with just the use of her bare fingers. Her fingers were extremely strong and firm, it felt as thought she was using the acupressure stick, but in actuality, it was just her bare hands. She was able to get right into the pressure points with just using her fingers and knuckles with her unique reflexology techniques. I highly recommend this Deep Tissue Thai Foot Massage Reflexology for those who love Foot Massages, or especially those who wanted to try a Thai Foot Reflexology, but have always been scared of the acupressure stick poking into their feet. This is a great way to try the Thai Foot Reflexology. Shop: Forest Massage Spa Onsen Price: 550thb, 60mins Location: