The Long Haired Warriors
This Channel is dedicated to the films of documentary film maker Mel Halbach. I am a friend of Mels. He s busy right now with a new film about his time serving on a Nuclear Submarine in the 1970 s. I ve decided that some of his other films need to be out there available for people to watch. I don t own the rights to these films. Mel s a great guy and I m sure he won t mind, but let s keep it hush hush from him for a while. I want to surprise him someday. His website is The Long Haired Warriors (59:50) Women have a long and storied tradition of fierce warriorship. Vietnamese women fought the French, South Vietnamese Regular Army and American troops in the decades following World War II. In a country of ancient art and religion, of poetry and song, and of resplendent physical beauty, these women suffered the horrors of war as active combatants. Some experienced many life shattering years of torture and imprisonment. Ultimately, all shared in victory in defense of their homes