second of the second (with subtitles )день сурка мюзикл, прикинь
groundhog day: the musical with subtitles i made this bc most of the time when i watch bootlegs i really have no idea what anyone is saying, so when i watched ghd for the first time a couple weeks ago and had the same experience, i thought why don t i just subtitle it myself so here it is it s the first time i ve ever tried to subtitle something like this (especially something this long) so it took like a week and a half, and it probably would ve taken longer if i wasn t using it to procrastinate on all my uni work lmao please forgive me for any typos or errors in the subs you might notice i mean i ve looked over these subs fifty odd times so if anything still managed to slip through, it honestly deserves to be there lol. and if you think there are ways i could improve please dont hesitate to tell me im not entirely dissuaded by the prospect of doing this again in the future, so any and all new perspectives are greatly welcomed :)