80s JUSTICE LEAGUE Teaser Trailer, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, Retro AI Concept
, 80sJusticeLeagueTeaserTrailer, 80sJusticeLeagueTeaser, 80sJusticeLeagueTrailer This is my 80 s JUSTICE LEAGUE Teaser Trailer, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, Retro AI Concept where I portray through what it could look like if they made an A, B list hollywood film back in the 80 s to maybe early 90 s, before the Justice League was thought of on the big screen. I hope you enjoy and if you like it please like, comment and subscribe for many more videos like this weekly. CAST: Harrison Ford: Batman John Travolta: Superman Mia Sara: Wonder Woman Dennis Quaid: Aquaman Tom Cruise: Flash Kevin Costner: Green Arrow Arnold Vosloo: Black Adam David Hasselhoff: Shazam Mel Gibson: Hal Jordan Wesley Snipes: John Stewart Morgan Freeman: Martian Manhunter Ernie Hudson: Cyborg Keith David: Darkseid Willem Dafoe: Joker Diane Lane: Supergirl Peter Weller: Lex Luthor Yul Brynner: Brainiac Tim Curry: Steppenwolf Keanu Reeves: N