BELL WITCH Mirror Reaper ( Official Visual Album)
Directed and edited by Taylor Bednarz This video is made entirely out of antique, archival and public domain footage as thanks to and Perlinger Archives. Donate to film conservation here: Films In order of Appearance: Dementia Daughter of Horror (1955) John Parker PostQuake Scenes (1906) Perlinger Archives The Screaming Skull (1958) Alex Nicol Berkeley, California Fire (1923) Perlinger Archives Destruction of a Dam (1923) Perlinger Archives The Fleet that Came to Stay (1945) United States Department of Defence Assembling The Deep Sea Outfit (1963) United States Department of Defence Dementia 13 (1963) Francis Ford Coppolla The Sadist (1963) James Landis American Maker (1960) Walter Koste, Donald Livingston, John Thiele, Jean Yarbrough Water (1953) Paul F. Moss The News Magazine of the Screen (1951) Warner Pathé Poverty in Rural America (1965) US Department of Agriculture American Frontier (1953) Willard Van Dyke Dialogue with Life (1968) Murray Lerner