Bury Tea bags in your garden And This Will Happen
Why should you Bury tea bags in your garden Ending your day with a relaxing cup of warm tea is a great way to make drifting off into lala land a little easier. When most people finish their tea, they toss the used teabag into the trash with little thought. After all, what could you possibly do with a used teabag It turns out, there s actually quite a few things you can do with used tea bags, especially in the garden. Keep watching to learn why you might want to bury those teabags instead of tossing them in the trash. 1. Tea adds nutrients to the soil:Tea leaves contain tannic acid and nutrients that are natural fertilizers for a garden. The bag itself is made from fiber of abaca leaf stalks. As the tea leaves decompose, they release nutrients into the soil, creating a healthier growing environment 2. Tea bags keep pests at bay:Used tea bags and coffee grounds will help keep bugs away from your plants. The odor deters the pests from chewing on your flowers and veggies.